Needing Suggestions
My beloved iPod Ellie was sent away in a box today. The Apple person on the phone indicated that she might be unfixable (the iPod). So, it's quite possible that in 7 days I will have a new iPod.
I need suggestions on names. Any thoughts??
I need suggestions on names. Any thoughts??
If you need to borrow my Nano when you're in Hali you can, but no complaining about the high quality of music. There's no Clay here, sorry kid.
Oh, and just cuz it's smaller than yours does not give you an excuse to lose it. {smirk}
What colour is your iPod case? That makes all the difference.
Why Ellie, btw?
Right now I don't have an iPod case. Ellie was a split second thing, since I didn't know I needed to name it as I was setting it up.
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