Worship, Praise and Cute Guys (??)

Back from Soulfest. An amazing weekend full of lots of great music. However, as much as I enjoyed hearing lots of new artists, styles of music and sounds, most of it seemed like any other concert. The one stand out in the bunch was the worship time lead by Chris Tomlin. Certainly more lively and rockin than your grandmother's worship, the band was great and truly gifted in leading corporate worship. Before I get too spiritual and buzz jumps in to humble me, yes, he's really cute too.
More pictures to come from the weekend.
Hee Hee. I am not sure what it is about your obsess.., er I mean, fascination with cute guitarists/musicians who wear graphic tees, but it has been fun to watch. However, a certain bodyguard doesnt fit into this new trend.... hmmmmmm!
An interview from Jane (or "careful what you wish for!"):
1) An aging rocker has seen your photographs and wants you to be his exclusive photographer and accompany him on all his tours and press junkets. Unfortunately, time and circumstances have been less than kind to Mr. Rock-n-Roll, and he is...shall we say...fugly. REALLY fugly. Truth be told, he was never that photogenic to begin with. You know these pics will be published and give you great exposure (no pun intended) and make you independently wealthy, but your exclusive contract will also prohibit you from selling any pictures of other, more worthy, subjects. Do you take the gig?
2) The man of your dreams has popped the question. He's kind, thoughful, and totally yummy. He's also a bit of a free spirit. He doesn't want to be tied down by things like a house, a car, or children. In fact, he's made enough money to spend the rest of your lives traveling from place to place as the spirit moves you. Are you willing to pull up roots and give up on ever having a home and a family to marry Mr. Wonderful?
3) You've just been told you have one week to live. Given unlimited resources (other than time), how do you intend to spend that week?
4) A little puppy has followed you home. He is the sweetest, fluffiest, most loving dog you've ever seen. You do a little asking around, and you find out the dog was scheduled to be put down that afternoon. They will spare his life if, and only if, you agree to keep him. Of course, you are allergic, so you will have to get uncomfortable weekly shots in order to keep the little guy. What do you do?
5) Chronic halitosis or excessive flatulence - which do you choose?
Please include a link to me when you post the answers on your blog.
Want to play?
The Official Interview Game Rules:
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below asking to be interviewed.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person’s will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
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